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‘Stay Safe Mama’ saves mothers and their newborns
‘Stay Safe Mama’ saves mothers and their newborns
“I got married when I was 15 years old and now I have five children. During the last pregnancy I suffered a lot. Our house was very close to the bombing and we had shrapnel inside our house in many occasions. I was in constant fear for myself, my kids, husband and the baby inside me.”
The World Needs Safe Motherhood
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The World Needs Safe Motherhood
USA for UNFPA to sponsor the 2019 Family of Woman Film Festival
USA for UNFPA to sponsor the 2019 Family of Woman Film Festival
The Family of Woman Film Festival, February 26 to March 3, 2019, is pleased to announce that USA for UNFPA (the United Nations reproductive health and right agency) will return as the Festival sponsor in 2019. The Festival was initiated…
Join Ashley Judd to save the lives of Rohingya mothers
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Join Ashley Judd to save the lives of Rohingya mothers
Over half a million Rohingya refugees currently live in Kutupalong, Bangladesh, the site of one of the largest and most overcrowded refugee camps in the world. Many are women and girls who have suffered unspeakable trauma and violence on their…

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