A new partnership between USA for UNFPA and FreeWill

Click here to establish your vision for the future.
We at USA for UNFPA are so appreciative of your ongoing support. You ensure the health, dignity, and future potential of women and girls throughout the world whose lives are impacted by UNFPA services.
During August, which is National Make-a-Will Month, USA for UNFPA would like to thank you by helping you document your decisions for your future, for the benefit and peace of mind for you and your loved ones, and for no cost.
If you are in the majority of people who do not have an up-to-date legal will in place, you can create yours easily today with a free, online resource from our trusted partners at FreeWill.
Before Make-a-Will Month ends, create a plan that supports the people, causes, and communities you love — and establish your vision for the future. Write or update your will today.
A planned gift for USA for UNFPA will advance the health, dignity, and rights of women and girls around the world for generations to come. Whether or not your choose to include USA for UNFPA in your plans, we are pleased to offer this tool for you, our loyal supporter, to secure your legacy.